swifts & s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings
the mysteries we carry
marcia arrieta
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in the rubble
a photo
the marigold
a veil
the house
near mountains
in circles
the chronology
is hard
to decipher
if it
in the blue
of the abstract
a wheelbarrow
an owl
the circles
graph paper
of the
garlic cloves & angel food cake
inner peace yellow & blue umbrellas
The Beaches of Agnes & It Might Get Loud
pieces of clouds enchanted cottages
post office stamps: George Morrison
Painter and Sculptor, mountain flora, LOVE
a small bird survives
rain falls followed by sun
the fields vast
a dialogue begins—
mirrors & art landscapes
the mysteries we carry
on stage/off stage
“…..you do your work”
— Patti Smith
2 red chairs
2 guitars
1 pen
1 notebook
do not trip on the peas
archeology sculpture
or a paper bag in wind
the constellations sometimes
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Marcia Arrieta is a poet & artist, who lives on the canyon close to mountains. Her recent books include a collection of her art & poetry, through time waves (Arteidolia Press) and, within sky (BlazeVOX Books). Her fifth chapbook is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press. She’s the editor of Indefinite Space, a poetry/art journal.