swifts & s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings
roaring in abundance
Giulio Maffii
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These pieces are from Giulio Maffii’s work, Don’t be fooled by the title, a new literary experiment, which he first started in Italy. A “third way” for poetry.
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Giulio Maffii studies are dedicated to poetry and its diffusion. He’s the editor for “Atelier magazine”. His essays include “Le mucche non leggono Montale” (2013), “Misinabì” (2014), a poem based on the myths of the death of Taino Indios, the essay “L’Io cantore e narrante dai aedi ai poeti domenicali :orazion picciola sulla parabola dell’epos”(2014),” The dance of the reluctant “(2015),” Giusto un tarlo sulla trave “(2016) and” Angina d’amour “(2018)). In 2020 he published for the “Archive for anthropology and ethnology”: “the feet forward: the long walk of anthropos and thanatos between poetry and similar vices”. In 2021 his last work of visual poetry published for Pietre Vive Edition: “Sequenze per sbagliare il bersaglio”. He writes and collaborates with “Bubamara Teatro” Theater Company. He is part of the Pallaio association for anthropological and multidisciplinary studies of Florence.