swifts & s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings
wire fences roadside ditches
billy cancel
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cook out upon Injured Soil
copper sunset Club Bovine reflects
desert some dud trees basically
toxic streams where Citric Cedric
dives for coins Crab Monster Attack
stalksthe driveways south of
Horse Head’s Village where
tragic derek clocks Imaginary
Man. pass me another
kettle of boiling
veg. you
might think it bunk but
people are acting upon this
coming out party for Chaos
Magic unhitched
PARADISE within our twitch
i guess? since flying monkeys
randomly still manifest throughout
you balance your interest in psychic
news with some
carefully cultivated
normality bias. arrows against
everything Everything versus
Arrows between the miniature
railway and the Nuclear Power Station
someone’ll drop their shadow. Was
a stinging wind and we
were both so arctic alone
hugging the Coastline of
Consensus Reality until you
scored tickets to Straw Bear
Tuesday. honey suckle
lilac blooms flanked our
path that led us past barbed
wire fences roadside ditches then
finally Bionic Valley Research Park.
my Sputnik Hairdo in BBQ Mode
highlights poor process chemical damage
& everything is terrible – magic – a la minute
militant rows of white oak draped in
flowing spanish moss reduced to weedy
lot low mounds of
rocks. there’s
fish & money people then the
non-tipping public burnt out from that
Grand Tour of The Planets where were
you dredged up from? for this churning
chugging signal do i get mate’s
rates? the road to our nation’s
Mutton Capital is brambly. lights
out & cry only means liver &
onions. even
the hamster gets off the wheel sometimes
if nothing splits.
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billy cancel is a Brooklyn based poet, performer and collage artist. His latest collection BUTTERCUP TANTRUM MUTTON ENCORE is out on Broadstone Books. His poetry has most notably appeared in Boston Review, PEN America and The Rialto (UK.). With Thursday Fernworthy (Lauds) he makes up the noise band Tidal Channel. www.billycancelpoetry.com