She Called Me
Tommasina Bianca & Antonella Ortelli
July 2020
She called me
the word I really wanted to hide myself I wonder how she sees me but I want to
know her too now I hide like when I was a child oh well the gestures the
posture the standing why not put some pictures together in mosaic what do you
think? a set of rectangles I did a test and I allowed myself to make black and white
some of yours to see how it rendered
If you want to do black and white like you say then I’ll attach three pieces of evidence.
Tommasina Bianca
hello Tommasina, sorry I was distracted this weekend and I did not notice the mail
messages. I really like these mosaic works especially the last one, the copy 2 where the
B/N does not turn to a warm tone. I thought of the word centered /c entered or better
entered, I thought of the self centering… and so I let it into the photo. Do you find
yourself there? Thanks for all the material and the letter, now I read it, we talk in the
next few days so we talk in voice?
a warm greeting
transformations, yes, one for you, the other for me, the other for the other. It was a
simple interval of mutual knowledge.
you enter it or entered
a warm greeting or best greeting
Call mate project by Antonella Ortelli and Luca Quartana
look at
call Toni
contacts →
A project by Toni Merola, Nicola Pellegrini e Bianca Trevisan
Istruzioni d’artista per realizzare un’opera d’arte a casa propria
Artists’ instructions to create your own artwork at home →
“L’autoprogettazione racchiude in sé una doppia possibilità: creare un’opera autonomamente e, attraverso l’arte, auto(ri)progettare la propria esistenza.”
“Autoprogettazione therefore embodies a double possibility: to create a work independently and, through art, to self(re)design one’s own existence.”