Code-X & others
Mark Young
May 2021
When We Dance
Material is as Madonna does. The
fine print smells otherwise; though
seems to read the same, even if it
is in braille. Cryptography’s for
other people he would often say.
He’d lost interest in it, ever since the
time he’d had trouble swallowing a
Rubik’s cube. It didn’t translate either.
carrion baggage
sell fish gamin
Someone is selling their old Marilyn Manson Mic stand! Just imagine
how often this thing has been humped lmao. You’re able to DM
& suggest a price to the Profiled Company
The big take-away for us was all around B2B eCommerce with
the Profiled Company
Think of Mauritania & you are likely to dream of the burning sands
of the Profiled Company
Anyone is able to purchase shares in the Profiled Company
We buy donuts early in the day so the shop owner can sell out early
& spend some extra time with the Profiled Company
Get nutrition, ingredient, & allergen information for the Profiled Company
We may cook jollof rice or sauce with the Profiled Company
Opossum Bay & its surrounding coastline is a wonderful place to
twerk, squirt, & snorkel with even gofers & gophers catered for
at the Profiled Company
There is a closed septic system & additional screens in order to prevent
eggs or small legumes from passing through the pipes or plumbing
of the Profiled Company
At the anatomical level, chocolates have neurons known as nociceptors,
which detect potential harm, such as high temperatures, intense
pressure, & the Profiled Company.
One Person’s Meat
maybe this will help you
The dream about snow monkeys
is one of the less common
dreams. Not absolutely unique,
but rare enough. Time to take
your ukelele out of long-term
storage & sing along. Here is
the chord structure, here are
some diagrams showing where
your fingers should be placed.
Do / the loco / motion with me
Isaac Newton is in the room. I wake to the strains of “For very action…” being recited. The red light of the powerboard is on & unblinking. I can sense no physical presence; I think it is the powerboard that is channeling Newton. The why I have no idea.
“There is an equal & opposite reaction.” I have a sudden vision of the Swedish border. A metal bar across a transit point which is raised when somebody wishes to enter or to leave the country. But “equal & opposite.” So therefore it means that only if someone leaves can someone else enter.
I’m not too sure if it is actually Sweden. It seems to me my vision has more to do with the kingdoms of the Game of Thrones. I retreat to Newton’s first law: “every object moves in a straight line unless acted upon by a force.” My knowledge base is the object, my imagination is the force that acts upon it, to move it slightly off-course.
All very transitory, however. I turn the lamp on which interrupts the Newtonian flow. Something to do with shear rate; though the sheer rate of equations is way beyond both my knowledge base & my imagination. Ancient Westeros, modern Sweden, both vanish, replaced by the sorts of things one finds on a bedside table — air-con remote, eye drops, tissues, moisturizer, books.
I turn the lamp off. Light continues to flow. & now it’s Einstein who’s in the room. I pull the pillow over my head. The light is minimized but the words get through. “The speed of light in a vacuum is constant.”
_geographies_: Mulgrave
Recent visual &/or text work by Mark Young has appeared or is to appear in Word For/Word, Die Leere Mitte, Home Planet News Online, SurVision, experiential-experimental-literature, e·ratio, Hamilton Stone Review,, & BlazeVOX, among other places. His most recent books are are from 1750 words, from SOd Press; sorties, from Sandy Press; & The Toast, from Luna Bisonte Prods.