Anonymous Landscape
For Connie Crothers
Yuko Otomo
September 2016
Anonymous Landscape
(Connie Crothers & Yuko Otomo Duet Project 4. 9. 2015)
outside the window
no noise
just wind
roofs with no names
no towers with names to sell anything
lampposts with no names
a room
with no noise
but the sounds of a bell
ringing through the glass window
a wind & its sound
with no shadow
in the sky
which has no name
an unsolved blank paradise
let me open the window
let me look at the tree
reaching tot he sky
as tall as the top floor balcony
I stand on
Let me forget it’s called “a tree”
Let me forget the noun/name we assign to it
To carry itself along with
Let me remind me of the fact
I breathe the same air/light with it
Let me realize it’s me
a reality of blessings & curses
a magic/sorcery
god/gods with no name
called with a variation of names
by us
how do their roles change
if we stop calling them by names at all?
in the ocean of people
I hear my name called
I turn around to look for the source
as others with the same name do the same
in the ocean of wild flowers
I notice one flower
I know the name of
feel so intimately close to it
as if it were my own image
reflected on water
another bell ringing;
another day of being human
in an exiled land
she is not alone
she has her “other” half
better or worse
that always reminds her
both sides of the self
a half & a half
they make a full circle
like the sun & the moon
they carry each other’s suffering/joy/pleasure
like clouds
an afternoon
with a voice of an anonymous cantor
& sounds created by an anonymous instrumentalist
all merge
into a magical realism
of life
an afternoon
with a voice of a human
& sounds of another human
playing various instruments
made by other humans
a moon-shaped eternity
a sun-shaped moment-now
a star-shaped flavor of time
all a puff
a bubble
a breath
of nothing/everything
birds do fly
& come home
to sleep
in their nests
without thinking
of human words
a beautiful little girl
with a beautiful girl’s name
she shines her eyes
whenever she hears
her beautiful name
is called
a beautiful little girl
knows her name well
& she knows it’s hers
a flower bed
floating in the air
greets the sun-setting beautiful sky
a little girl loves her name
& she knows it’s hers
ladies & gentlemen
it’s time for us to light candles
we are ready for the rehearsal
of our show
of the “Final Divine Comedy”
it’ll be in an open format
we’d invite all of you to join us
in spirit & in body
so we’ll make this show
a total success
ladies & gentlemen
let us start our “Anonymous Landscape”
blood red
wine red
& fire gold
le chant
la musique
la comedie
la dance
an anonymous joy
of living life
whether it’s a comedy
or a tragedy
or a tragic-comedy
or a comic-tragedy
oui! yes!
hop, step, jump!
although it’s still
unknown & anonymous
the landscape is familiar enough to us
we do not need a map
to know where we are
no quarrels
to go back & forth
on the same blvd
to redefine
the direction
no expectation
no disappointment
do not calculate
on future
based on things
whenever it’ll happen
it does happen
it has nothing to do
with your wish or hope
drop your shoulders
since there is nothing
for you to carry
named or unnamed
you live to die to live
how miraculous it is
to truly feel the fact that
“a desk” was once “a tree”
this floor, ceiling & window frames, too,
with no name
trees; trees, trees; flowers & weeds…sky, water & earth…
& air we all breathe, not just us humans…everything & everyone…
even a pebble, a shadow, a memory…
we all breath…
being fair means nothing but to have
a new attitude of being fair
being fair in all accounts
requires a life-long learning of things
things at the end
nothing is not
always everything
I sit by a globe
where a big ocean spreads
across the sphere
I see an island
where I was born
among many islands scattered around
in the waters
I turn the globe fast
as I try to feel its smooth shape
it is a glorious “sun”ny day & it’s Sunday
on a steep hill, people lay & rest as turtles do in the sun
various shades of fresh green leaves flicker
& change every instance
a massive anonymous collective “us”
is one united “being”
sharing the same sentiment toward the sun
we look up to the sky, to the sun, opening ourselves to the glorious void
we forget words in general except the word “the Sun”
on a glorious day of the sun
I see many things –
an old woman who reminds me of my mother because of the way she dresses in a harmony to the colors of the season’s delicate feminineness; babies in baby carts; parents pushing them; magnificent street performers & their spectacles; endless variations of color “green”; the cloudless “light blue” sky in the city known for its variation “greys”; menus of the restaurants; windows with flowers; windows closed & opened; iron fences & wooden doors; old walls; a lone restorer of old paintings in her back alley workshop; a lone clavier (piano) maker in his small workshop in the same back alley; a dog with a social study specialist book store owner; good bookstores with works by great writers I admire; street cleaners; garbage bins & litters on the side walks; a man spitting; a woman yarning; a baby smiling (at me); leaves trembling; birds flying; birds walking; birds hopping; store signs blinded by the sun (light); people’s shadows of well defined human physics; stores closed because it’s Sunday; men hanging out in the street not because it’s Sunday but they have nothing to do; cheap used clothes hanging on a rack; metro tracks; flower shops in full bloom; roses starting to bloom; nameless flowers of weeds in the streets; stray cats; a crushed piece of fried potato under the sidewalk café table; steps of a church occupied by humans; people eating ice cream; people eating lunch; people drinking; foundations sprouting & gushing water; traffics; bakeries with almost sold-out shelves; an empty crepery in an empty back street; cafes full of people; old theaters with old signs; lampposts; shoe stores; antiques stores; closed super markets; buses; cars & bicycles; people walking & people working; people cooing; parked cars; traffic lights; people buying; people selling & people resting
in a glorious day of the sun
I see thousands of things & phenomena
comfortably blinded by the intense brightness of the day
I see the shared anonymity
without detailed particularities
in a glorious day of the sun, in April,
we are all nameless cosmic dusts
stitch by stitch
somebody with a name
but known to no one
fills the fabric of his life
with an image of
worms, fish, flowers,
weeds & a woman
with anonymous tears
two men talking
two animals talking
two men with hats on fighting
two pagan stories told
two notebooks burnt
two names disappeared
laughter over anger
please, no matter what
form & content
music & sounds
taste & flavors
colors & images
words & meanings
words & meanings of words
interpretation & misunderstanding
mistranslation & accurate as possible translation
traveling over the mountains & the seas
sharing something we’ve already shared
as if it’s a brand new experience
& its big family tree
behind & in front of
various languages
I don’t see it
but I hear it
I hear it
I hear it
light shifts
very slowly
telling me
to forget
the passing of time
to be mad about something
or about someone
is totally useless
when you know for sure
one day you too will depart
this world
a beautiful girl
arrives in our world to join us
after a long sleep
in water
now she sleeps
sweetly in air
dreaming of the memory
of her long journey
a dream
coming true
she teaches us
to be “sound”
& to be “alive”
an anonymous rain
all day
on flowers & trees
with names
they don’t know
they have
everything was
when day & night
was just born
(by nature)
it is a verb
“rain” (ing)
it needs
no name
no reason
no purpose
no destination
no direction
its own
a scale
going up & down
written & erased
played & erased
painted & erased
danced & erased
talked & erased
acted & erased
its own logic
of metaphysics
a piano
a guitar
a pen
a brush
a dark rainbow
of mysterious dreams
a voice
to the sea & to the sky
“Erase Everything”
erase & let it be blank
erase & let it be void
erase & let it be nameless
a scale
going up & down
a logic
its own life
we walk a long way
on a perfect day
without getting lost
or without having an argument
(what a joy!)
we take a rest
sharing a park bench
with strangers
exchanging smiles
but not words
(what a miracle!)
we sit
doing nothing
but being
our resting selves
contemplating everything
around us & in us
in silence
(oh, what a happiness!)
we ourselves turn into benches
that was once a tree
standing somewhere
feeling the breeze
on this earth
as we are doing now
we turn into a sky, shadow, light & a breeze
we see strangers who share the bench
& passers-by in our views as ourselves
nothing is strange
but totally NORMAL
(ah, life!)
we are free
from words & word (ing)
just being part of
this perfect weekend day
saying nothing
(a magic!)
we sit, see, hear, taste, feel
& become the moment now
together, we realize
we are eternity
in eternity
being eternity
in eternity
This version is from the original Anonymous Ladscape: a 200 parts poetic meditation on anonymity & nameless-ness exclusively for the duet performance for Connie Crothers & myself that took place on April 9, 2015 @ Evolving Music Series presented by Arts for Art @ Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, NYC.
I’d like to dedicate this poem to Connie who gave us so much in such a superbly generous manner, showing the brilliant example of “what it means to live true to oneself.” Connie has not left us. On the contrary, she is here with us every moment we breath. We can talk to her anytime we want & we need too. She answers us all, together or separately, in her beautiful sweet voice, smiling & laughing.
Wonderful..perfect description.