A Swallower of Many Ships

Cierra G. Rowe
April 2021



The doubt sets in
And makes a home within my heart

I try to push the darkness out
But fail to make a spark.

I think of all the colors
All the shapes and all the stories

And then I’m overcome
With sadness, fear and worry

I understand that everyone
has their own weight to bear

On weak shoulders it’s harder
But it’s no one’s job to care.

So complaining is futile
And crying does nothing

We’re all trying hard
To find or keep our ”something”

But maybe just maybe
Things will turn on sunny times

And maybe, just maybe
There is rhythm to the rhyme

There are hard pills to swallow
Muddy bumps along the way

But I know what I know
The compass points the way

Love always finds a way.
Maybe it will be ok.

Sea Serpent of Ivorelle

The Great Sea

There goes an old shanty
That not many fancy
Behold as the sea parts its lips

You’re bound to be shaken
By what is awakened
A swallower of many ships.

Its body does shimmer
Our eyes surely glimmer
It teases us under the sun

It waits in still waters
We’ve widows and daughters
The ocean leaves nowhere to run.

It peers as we ponder
Sharp eyes without wonder
Its body, black as night

And long as winter
With teeth that splinter
A face sparkling with fright

It gives us time
To give it mind
As we float adrift

And all we see
Are unforgiving seas
These waters hold endless shifts.

Life Fruit

Art sits above the superficial barriers and trivial differences that we allow ourselves to entertain or be divided by, cementing the reality that we are all human, all navigating this strange and great metropolis called life. Many things inspire me to paint. I especially enjoy capturing my surroundings and places that I have yet to visit, in a way that breathes life into my canvases.

The great outdoors is something to be cherished. As a small girl I traveled a lot with my parents: from Canada to Texas, New York and all around the USA. I remember being amazed at how different things out there were, compared to what I was familiar with at home. It was a good feeling; knowing that so many people occupied so many different crevices of the world. Many lovely scenes are captured from memory and even more are captured from a desire to travel. I grew up in the belly of rural southern Kentucky, within a quaint town where strangers are not hard to find. It is the kind of a place that is easily forgotten once you pass it on the interstate, headed to more vivid and lively scenes. Kentucky has so many picturesque areas but the smaller towns can be gloomy. I have only ever lived in rural areas and find their quietude to be an ideal setting for painting. A great portion of my paintings have found completion here; surrounded by quiet hills and rustling masses of graceful trees.

Pulsating Night

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