swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

cold mountain moon
Cecelia Chapman & Rafael González

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Cold Mountain film series contemplates human relationships with the environment. The title is from the legendary Tang era (618–907) Dao poet-hermits Han Shan and Shide. They are icons in Asian painting, living in nature and always depicted pointing at the moon and giggling. Poet Gary Snyder’s 1950’s translations of selected Cold Mountain poems, and characterisation of the hermit, are depicted in Jack Kerouac’s 1958 novel, The Dharma Bums.

Cold Mountain Moon was accepted into the Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media 38th edition that is from January 15th to 22th, 2025.

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Rafael Gonzálezlez is a Spanish artist living and working on Tenerife. He is a prolific mail artist and experimental sound artist. He writes reviews and interviews for Electronic Cottage www.electroniccottage.org. Gonzalez recently released music as Speech Index https://speechindex.bandcamp.com, as Vulcan Ironworks https://rockyoshiro.bandcamp.com, and with Hal McGee, Trash Milagro https://halmcgee.bandcamp.com/album/trash-milagro.


Cecelia Chapman is an American artist and filmmaker living in Portugal. She works in short film, minimalist painting and investigative projects that evolve from her environment. Chapman seeks to disrupt the performance of global-corporate commercial interests and revel in the cosmic-grotesque imaginary as a vehicle of discovery and freedom.