swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

as vines climb
Mitch Corber

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Any Day Ray

Celebrating Beat poet Ray Bremser

Ray rivets the swivel-mirror with his reigning
game of make-up. Battered eggs renege
a second helping. Saps refute the gluey music.

He’s brothels to a thistle, bootlicks from obeying.
Enter Bremser where this neon adman bellows,
brandishing his tawny beard.

“Kindly time your leap for cheap theatrics!”
Affordable, a cordless drill, of tumbling wombs
now doubly whisked to kiss her nipple.

Prison schism scattered rags, as vines climb
the mended fencepost. Would you free a thwarted
comrade? Do weapons spank the cranky?

Vanity o sanitize my sorrows, borrow any feather.
Whether vanes skirmish in the windy mischief,
I’d presume the flutter.

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Mitch Corber is a poet, weekly NYC Poetry Thin Air cable producer, as well as founder/poetry videographer of Thin Air Poetry Video Archives. His published poetry books, “Quinine” (2009, Thin Air Media) and “Weather’s Feather” (2014, Fly By Night Press), were both lauded for their creative musicality. His work has appeared in Sensitive Skin, Spinozablue, Blackbox Manifold, BlazeVOX, Poetry Bay, Polarity, Vanitas, listenlight, gobbet and And Then.