swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

open waves & passages
marcia arrieta

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100 days — evolution lines

inspired by dorothee lang’s 100 days photographs

flowers in space muted backgrounds—homes, jobs, roads
reshaping the moments passageways into unknown countries
underground cities invaders art within time red mosaics white wings
contemporary conversations collaged pieces of light interfused fabric

torn, peeled, scraped doors passages of the mind into interior sky
a matter of perspective angle movement to reinvent sculpture
redefine the geometric without interpretation to remember the divine
windows open into other windows roads dreams trees

the clouds & the earth lamppost a view to the sea circles & motion
worlds ways re/creation the road & the countryside the trees write the story
an unopened dahlia rain the blue rectangle & the face add music miles
& miles the bridge & the translucence of clouds miles to go before I sleep

variations wonder sea anemones starfish pink dahlia look closely at the center
architecture resiliency the resiliency of angles & open space—waves & stones
silent fields & the leaves of grass matrix dark & light miles to go
colors, spirals the eye in the garden the eye in art intricacy freedom/manipulation

frontier the primitive water & art & time reflections notes pyramids moths
in the garden mending bumblebee & butterfly fields of poetry
the flame & the wallflower dimensions details again the lamppost
climbing the tower building the tower jung jeffers travelers

the doors open & close & open waves & passages steel structures
directions—i take a feather from the sky & place it on the track
the door in the mountain the door in the oak islands & forests cubist lives
memories raindrops roses castles angels statues cathedrals spirals stained glass

through the countryside to the shore elves birds gnomes wings & flight complex
nevertheless simplicity one half moon discoveries walk along the railroad tracks
the journeys—reflections in the train windows—summers long ago
facets & rails angles & angels surreal the light the vision the voyage

mystery of survival influences geographies images in sand in wind faraway
from the city bridges & birds we gather twigs we arrange branches circles/squares
windows/doors meteors & dragonflies the owl peers through the oak between notes
between lines hourglass the flowers lamppost the miles

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marcia arrieta has been widely published in the small press throughout the years. She is the author of through time waves, poetry/collages (Arteidolia 2022), & four poetry collections: within sky (2022), perimeter homespun (2019) & archipelago counterpoint (2015) BlazeVOX [books], and triskelion, tiger moth, tangram, thyme (2011) Otoliths; as well as five chapbooks: thereof (2023), vestiges (2019) & thimbles, threads (2017) dancing girl press; the curve against the linear/ An Uncommon Accord (2008) Toadlily Press; and experimental: (2000) Potes & Poets Press. She is the editor of  the poetry/art journal: Indefinite Space.