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Sofía Ruvira

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More on Sofía Ruvira’s  poetry collection, Alalá  now out from Arteidolia Press 

Sofía Ruvira is a native artist and researcher from the stateless nation of Galicia in Northwestern Spain. She is now pursuing a PhD at Yale University. Ruvira has shown her work at Ciclo MEXER at MIHL (Galicia), Newark Art Festival (New Jersey), PAUSA USA (Queens) and Acción Spring(t) (Madrid), IHRAF at The Tank (NYC) and others. Her art pieces have been exhibit in Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, CA+MP Recovery Lounge, Museo Interactivo de Historia de Lugo, Solaina Galería (Spain), among others. She will be publishing Os corpos fráxiles (Aira, 2025) and Casasoá (Vento Alto, 2025).