swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

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Federico Federici

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Federico Federici is a conceptual artist working in the fields of writing, video art, installations and physics. His works have appeared in international journals and anthologies including 3:AM Magazine, Art in America, Diagram, Perspektive, Jahrbuch der Lyrik, Poet Lore, Sand, The Shanghai Literary Review, The Manhattan Review and others. Among his books: “A private notebook of winds” (Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo 2019); “Transcripts from demagnetized tapes” (LN 2021); “Biophysique Asémique” (LN 2021); “Profilo Minore” curated by Andrea Cortellessa (Aragno 2021); “Maß des Schlafes (und andere verbovisuelle Forschungen)” (Anterem 2021); “EIS” with a critical note by Peter Schwenger (LN 2022).