swifts & s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings
caught in the headlights of thought
Josef Krebs
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Partaking in the glories of sleeplessness
Partaking in the glories of sleeplessness
The sounds of the universe the spreading swarm of the sky
Revealed by the darkness of space
That doesn’t exist in the over illuminated logic
Of the day
Which banishes all magic
And actuality
Through the man made
Automobiles and cities of light
Caught in the headlights of thought
Uninterrupted by the pernicious reconciliation
Between your true self and nature
Not lost but unfound
In the unfounded truth
Of progress
Establishing myself as alone in a cave
Establishing myself as alone in a cave
I then turn to what to do
With the remainder of my life
A life so far filled with supposition
About the place and naming of the stars
But since alone
I could call them anything I wished
Just as my forebears had
For that is not Neptune
Or Orion’s belt
Why not Ingrid
And Ingrid’s New Dress
Or Ingrid’s Tiny Waist
Or why have the arrogance at all
To name everything on this world
As if to claim ownership of Earth
Or planet Ingrid?
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Josef Krebs has a chapbook published by Etched Press and his poetry also appears in 74 issues of 34 different magazines, including the Bicycle Review, The Cape Rock, TheChaffey Review, Inscape, and Crack the Spine. A short story has been published in blazeVOX. He’s written three novels and five screenplays. His film was successfully screened at Santa Cruz and Short Film Corner of Cannes film festival. Website →