swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

from 100 titles from tom beckett
Mark Young & Thomas Fink

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#4: Interiors Surround

Conflict exists. All rooms face
south. Which means they’re not
suitable for habitable spaces since
full-on direct sunlight can drain
color from the richest of decorating
schemes & highlight every flaw.

Conflict exists. Many architects to-
day who design spaces have lost
their belief in natural light. Others
go to exorbitant lengths to let the
light in, use circular skylights that are
there to bring “Life to the foyer.”

Conflict exists. Framed tropical
artwork up on the wall, with no con-
nection to the surroundings. Large
French style windows, double paned,
with lush landscaping. Light should
not be obscured by vegetation.

Conflict exists. Access to natural light
should not be used for new child care
centers. Others try for wormholes
that transcend time & space with the
addition of captive rearing & the re-
introduction of animals into the wild.

Conflict exists. Materials get wet, moi-
sture problems common. There is no legis-
lative requirement to include natural light
within the Nature Conservation Act.
A live stream of the meeting can be
viewed via Council’s Facebook page

#1 Scantily Closed

For Jackson Mac Low (x2)

Scan authoritativeness affectS the way the system closes.
Closing a position refers to a seCurity transaction.
A security is a fungible, negotiAble financial instrument.
Negotiable instrumeNts promise a specific payment.
Tokens that are non-fungible are crypTographic assets.
Interest in crypto is still strong despIte the recent crash.
Legitimate investments are how many now cLass NFTs.
YesterdaY the maximum price for Bitcoin was $20,274.20.

Corn syrup has gained popularity with food proCessors.
Lowering of sugar prices seems temporariLy to have paused.
Outlook demand for ethanOl increases as energy prices rise.
Sugar cane use for ethanol iS predicted to be less this year.
Ethanol from sugar beets has twicE the volume of corn.
Demand for ethanol will Decline as EVs become popular.


Paintings by Thomas Fink.  Poems by Mark Young.

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Mark Young’s first published poetry appeared over sixty-two years ago. Much more recent work has appeared in The Sparrow’s Trombone, Scud, Ygdrasil, Mobius, SurVision, NAUSEATED DRIVE, Unlikely Stories, Don’t Submit, & Word For/Word.

Thomas Fink has published 11 books of poetry– most recently A Pageant for Every Addiction (Marsh Hawk P, 2020), written collaboratively with Maya D. Mason, Hedge Fund Certainty (Meritage P and i.e. P, 2019) and Selected Poems & Poetic Series (Marsh Hawk, 2016). His books of criticism include “A Different Sense of Power”: Problems of Community in Late Twentieth-Century U.S. Poetry (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2001) and the co-edited anthology, Reading the Difficulties: Dialogues with Contemporary American Innovative Poetry (U of Alabama P, 2014).  His work appeared in Best American Poetry 2007, edited by David Lehman and Heather McHugh. His paintings hang in various collections. Fink is Professor of English at CUNY-LaGuardia.