swifts & s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings
clearing the forest
maija mist
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≥≥≥ clarity of mvmnt
g train twrds ≥≥≥ or
❂ went to look at a lot
❂ went to the grocery store
❂ went to meet you to with a bag of laundry
❂more weed or
i am clearing the forest
i am weeding between weeds
i am sure of not one thing
i am sure of it
mist as cover
it s not too small
a lesson in character
some days i can t even spell
things u can do
beneath the awning
refractory period
space bw
complete mission
move sensation thru
find me everywhere so i know it s real
open th steam vent
stone 2th othr side
create th conditions
exorcise each form
what drops
w/o focus
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on(3)time, a collection of poetry by maija mist
will soon be released on Arteidolia Press.
maija mist is a writer & artist with roots in Baltimore, New York, & Hawai’i. Her work considers notions of space, transparency, time, & the limitations of the language. She weaves non-linear narratives that allow her audience to float through visions & worlds while considering multi-dimensional realities. She has published work with Metatron Press, Spectra Poets, Perennial Press, & Women.Weed.WiFi. Her visual work has been exhibited globally.