swifts  &  s l o w s · a quarterly of crisscrossings

nothing is stationary
Kathleen Florence

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edge of the universe

white light burning
fire hydrant helium
oxygen carbon neon
iron avocado
you cannot land here eclipse
every 11 or 22 years
magnetic fields outward-flowing solar wind
dipolar solar spiral sunspots
minima found in rings of trees
rings to please the fingers
life span double or nothing
life span of ten billion years
is ten billion years enough?

getting hotter supernovae
shockwave from compression
collapse under gravity
rotate make heat
the sun orbits the centre of the milky way
the milky way doesn’t orbit anything
anything doesn’t know itself
what’s your cosmic address?
have I seen you here before?

four main pulls:
saturn uranus jupiter neptune
suffering desire detach the path
four faces four horseman foremothers foretold
four birds and tame them
four hills from the father
four will summon them home

pottery of sun people
chambers legs limbs
stages of metamorphosis
typical movements in a symphony
the one we are writing
the one that I play for you
the one you sing in my rib

add subtract multiply divide
leap year spectacle side by side
lunar directions playing cards
highways cube medicine wheel
spinning on earth’s axis
revolving around the sun

which orbits an ellipse round
the centre of the milky way
pulled toward andromeda
pushed around inside supercluster laniakea
nothing is stationary
gas clouds dust grains black holes dark matter

are we turtles?
are we flush?
are we speeding up in between
regions of densities dates and corners and whys
in the ever expanding black box theatre
four legs four wheels four letter word
you are my dialogue dream
exploding with me the greatest show yet

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Florence writes poetry for the stage.  She puts down words to perform them up, monologue sing speak, move story sound around river flow. Born on the border of American beats and Canadian concretes, the language wordplay stirred from this bird has some sibling associations with her work as a visual artist and writer of scripts and grrrrl grunge rocker songs.